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# Education

# NCERT Solutions :
CBSE Class 6th Mathematics teaches students about the basics, which have a wide range of application in their higher studies. All the chapters given below includes Solutions for all the question available in Class 6th Mathematics NCERT Textbook Ganita Prakash. It also includes some Important Extra Questions related to the Chapters and we have also provided Free Quiz Based Test which is consist of Objective Type Questions which help the students to test their Understanding about the given Chapters. This material is available for Free For the Students So that they can prepare & score good marks in their upcoming exams.
Chapters | Class 6 Maths Syllabus |
Chapter 01 : | Patterns in Mathematics |
Chapter 02 : | Lines and Angles |
Chapter 03 : | Number Play |
Chapter 04 : | Data Handling and Presentation |
Chapter 05 : | Prime Time |
Chapter 06 : | Perimeter and Area |
Chapter 07 : | Fractions |
Chapter 08 : | Playing with Constructions |
Chapter 09 : | Symmetry |
Chapter 10 : | The Other Side of Zero |
Curiosity, Textbook of Science for Grade 6, comprises twelve chapters. As the name of the textbook suggests, there are numerous opportunities for the learners to explore the world of science and its nature. Through the chapters, learners will embark on a journey that will connect them to the world around and spark curiosity for further exploration. The hands-on activities embedded within each chapter engages the learners and provide them an opportunity to reflect on learning. The primary aim of Curiosity is to prepare the children for becoming the responsible members of the society, and therefore efforts have been made to raise awareness about various issues, such as gender, region, environment, health and hygiene, water scarcity and energy conservation.
Chapters | Class 6 Science Syllabus |
Chapter 01 : | The Wonderful World of Science |
Chapter 02 : | Diversity in the Living World |
Chapter 03 : | Mindful Eating: A Path to a Healthy Body |
Chapter 04 : | Exploring Magnets |
Chapter 05 : | Measurement of Length and Motion |
Chapter 06 : | Materials Around Us |
Chapter 07 : | Temperature and its Measurement |
Chapter 08 : | A Journey through States of Water |
Chapter 09 : | Methods of Separation in Everyday Life |
Chapter 10 : | Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics |
Chapter 11 : | Nature’s Treasures |
Chapter 12 : | Beyond Earth |
Class 6th English NCERT Poorvi has five thematic units that comprise stories, poems, conversation, narrative and descriptive pieces. Themes such as friendship, wellness, sports, nature, art and culture, etc. have been included. Cross-cutting themes, such as Indian Knowledge Systems, values, heritage, gender sensitivity and inclusion have been integrated in all the units. Each unit has three literary pieces― story or conversation, poem and non-fiction. There are intext questions, ‘Let us discuss’ to assess comprehension of the text. The end-of-the-text questions given in ‘Let us think and reflect’ are designed to encourage critical thinking, reasoning, responding, analyzing, etc. These literary pieces are not only entertaining but also instill valuable life lessons, fostering personal growth and helping children navigate social situations with confidence. The selected pieces will resonate with children’s daily experiences and encourage positive values like resilience, empathy and emotional intelligence that can have a profound impact on their development.
No. | Class 6 English Syllabus |
Unit 1 : | Fables and Folk Tales |
A Bottle of Dew | |
The Raven and The Fox | |
Rama to the Rescue | |
Unit 2 : | Friendship |
The Unlikely Best Friends | |
A Friend's Prayer | |
The Chair | |
Unit 3 : | Nurturing Nature |
Neem Baba | |
What a Bird Thought | |
Spices that Heal Us | |
Unit 4 : | Sports and Wellness |
Change of Heart | |
The Winner | |
Yoga - A Way of Life | |
Unit 5 : | Culture and Tradition |
Hamara Bharat - Incredible India! | |
The Kites | |
Ila Sachani : Embroidering Dreams with her Feet | |
National War Memorial |